Louisiana Economy Forecasting Model

As a service to the State of Louisiana, the LSU Department of Economics provides economic forecasts for the state and the nine metropolitan areas of the state for the current quarter and three quarters ahead. At the state level, forecasts are generated for four key economic variables: real Gross State Product (a measure of the real value of goods and services produced within Louisiana, analogous to national real GDP), total non-farm employment, the total unemployment rate, and the Louisiana house price index. At the metro level, due to data limitations, only total non-farm employment is forecast.

About the Forecasting Model

The forecasting model consists of a suite of statistical models. The statistical models used are the ones that yielded the best out-of-sample forecasts over a long period of time. The specification procedure replicates what a forecaster would do in real-time to generate out-of-sample forecasts, i.e., estimate a model using data up to the point of the forecast and then forecast out-of-sample.

The current forecasting model should be viewed as the first iteration in an ongoing process. Well-specified statistical models can predict accurately when the future is similar to the past. Of course, structural changes can make the future different from the past, and the quality of statistical model forecasts will deteriorate unless the model is adjusted to account for these changes. Consequently, it is necessary to revisit the specifications periodically as more data become available.

Additional Information

Two of the statistical models—a state-level model and a national model—are Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models (BVARs) and the remaining models are single-equation autoregressive models.

Economists have used BVAR models to forecast state and national economic variables. Typically, these models have been found to forecast out-of-sample better than standard Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models and to be very competitive with larger, more complex, more difficult to specify, and more costly to maintain structural models, often delivering more accurate forecasts. These models are described more completely in the More About the Model section.

The forecasts we present are purely statistical and don’t reflect any subjective adjustments, which are left to the discretion of the forecast user. We provide the best estimate of the variable in each of the four quarters of the forecast (the red line in graphs of the forecast) and a forecast cone (the grey area) that reflects the relative accuracy of past forecasts for that variable at each forecast horizon. The cone “fans” out because the farther ahead we forecast, the less accurate the forecast, a well-known characteristic of economic forecasts.  

Questions? Contact Us.

LSU Department of Economics
2300 Business Education Complex
501 South Quad Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-5211 | econ@lsu.edu

Current Louisiana Forecasts

 a graph depicting the louisiana employment rate for Q3 2024


Forecast for Louisiana Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 1945.68 1977.09 2008.51
2024:04 1942.14 1983.22 2024.31
2025:01 1941.44 1988.57 2035.71
2025:02 1939.90 1993.37 2046.84


Employment is forecast to continue its rebound from the post-pandemic low, rising at a projected 1.40% rate from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025. However, employment at the end of the current forecast period is projected to still fall short of its peak level ten years ago in the fourth quarter of 2014.

chart showing the unemployment rate for louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Louisiana Unemployment Rate (%)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 2.96 3.85 4.74
2024:04 2.57 3.75 4.93
2025:01 2.33 3.67 5.01
2025:02 2.17 3.61 5.05


The state’s unemployment rate is forecast to continue to slowly fall over the next four quarters from 4.1% in the 2nd quarter of this year to 3.6% in the 2nd quarter of 2025. Note that, with the exception of the pandemic and its immediate aftermath, the state’s unemployment rate has slowly but steadily declined from the 4th quarter of 2010 value of 7.8%.  

chart showing louisiana's real GSP for Q3 2024


Forecast for Louisiana Real GSP (Millions of $)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 238794.98 242757.41 246719.85
2024:04 236659.78 243169.67 249262.80
2025:01 234715.89 243146.70 251577.50
2025:02 232880.04 243356.85 253833.67


The recent performance of real GSP (the total volume of goods and services produced within Louisiana) continues to disappoint. Although real GSP is expected to rise over the forecast horizon, the forecast rate of growth from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is only 0.52%.   

chart showing the louisiana house price index forecast for Q3 2024


Forecast for Louisiana House Price Index 

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 357.79 360.72 363.65
2024:04 354.74 360.29 365.85
2025:01 352.06 359.78 367.50
2025:02 348.26 358.60 368.95


The all-transactions Louisiana house price index is forecast to decline slightly over the current and succeeding three quarters. The rate of decline from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be -1%.

chart showing the emploment forecast for Alexandria, Louisiana Q3 2024


Forecast for Alexandria Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 61.16 61.94 62.71
2024:04 61.05 62.07 63.10
2025:01 60.98 62.20 63.41
2025:02 60.92 62.31 63.71


Employment in the Alexandria metro area is forecast to rise over the current forecast horizon although forecast employment at the end of the forecast horizon remains well below its 2008:01 peak. The rate of growth in employment from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 0.99%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Baton Rouge, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Baton Rouge Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 421.84 428.02 434.21
2024:04 422.23 430.25 438.27
2025:01 423.09  432.44 441.79
2025:02 423.59 434.55 445.51


Employment in the Baton Rouge metro area is forecast to continue its strong rebound from the pandemic-related plunge in employment. The forecast rate of growth in employment from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025, 2.25%, is the third strongest of any of the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment forecast for Hammond, Louisiana for Q3 2024


Forecast for Hammond Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 49.31 50.01 50.71
2024:04 49.31 50.14 50.97
2025:01 49.37 50.24 51.11
2025:02 49.40 50.33 51.26


A very slight increase in employment is forecast for the Hammond metro area for the 2024:03-2025:02 period. The rate of growth from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.1%. 

chart showing the employment forecast for Houma-Thibocaux, Louisiana for Q3 2024


Forecast for Houma-Thibodaux Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 85.27 86.77 88.28
2024:04 85.18 87.33 89.48
2025:01 85.25 87.83 90.41
2025:02 85.23 88.30 91.37


Employment in the Houma-Thibodaux metro area is forecast to continue its rise from the pandemic low, and by the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to slightly exceed the level just before the pandemic. The rate of growth from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 2.56%, the fastest forecast growth of the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment rate for Lafayatte, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Lafayette Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 203.24 206.49 209.75
2024:04 202.43 207.04 211.65
2025:01 201.91 207.53 213.14
2025:02 201.45 207.94 214.43


Employment for the Lafayette metro area is forecast to continue its rise from the pandemic low. The rate of growth of employment from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 1.07%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Lake Charles, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Lake Charles Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 95.04 97.32 99.60
2024:04 94.29 97.69 101.08
2025:01 93.65 97.93 102.21
2025:02 93.10 98.05 102.99


The rebound in employment in the Lake Charles metro area from the pandemic low is forecast to continue. The forecast growth rate from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is 1.32%.

chart showing the employment forecast for Monroe, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Monroe Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 76.47 77.51 78.55
2024:04 76.36 77.64 78.92
2025:01 76.37 77.80 79.22
2025:02 76.28 77.92 79.55


Employment in the Monroe metro area is forecast to continue its slow rebound from the pandemic low. The forecast growth rate of employment from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is 0.93%.

chart showing the employment forecast in New Orleans, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for New Orleans-Metairie Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 558.89 571.34 583.79
2024:04 557.99 574.20 590.41
2025:01 557.87 576.66 595.45
2025:02 557.35 578.86 600.36


Employment in the New Orleans-Metairie metro area is forecast to continue to rebound from the pandemic low. The forecast growth rate from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is 2.32%, the second strongest among the state’s metro areas.

chart showing the employment forecast for Shreveport, Louisiana in Q3 2024


Forecast for Shreveport-Bossier City Metro Area Non-Farm Employment (Thousands of Employees)

Quarter Lower Bound Forecast Upper Bound
2024:03 175.24 178.05 180.86
2024:04 174.81 178.37 181.92
2025:01 174.64 178.64 182.63
2025:02 174.35 178.86 183.37


After recovering steadily from its pandemic low and then falling a bit, employment for the Shreveport-Bossier City metro area is forecast to rise slightly over the forecast horizon. The growth rate of employment from the 2nd quarter of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025 is forecast to be 0.82%.




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