Vision, Mission,
& Values


Our Vision

The E. J. Ourso College of Business will serve as a catalyst for innovation, economic growth, and community development by preparing future business leaders and engaging in scholarly research efforts that address the ongoing and emerging concerns of our state, national, and global economy. 


Rotunda with blue sky in backgroun


Our Mission

Our mission is to cultivate future leaders and entrepreneurs who are innovative problem-solvers who seek to have a positive impact on society. We develop cutting-edge, high-quality research and leverage human capital to address the most pressing economic and societal challenges facing the state, national, and global economies.


Students crossing the street to the BEC Rotunda


Our Values

We move forward in lockstep with the university’s values, acknowledging that the principles we uphold as a campus community make LSU and the E. J. Ourso College of Business extraordinary.

We facilitate opportunities for cross-functional relationships that yield advancement in research, learning, and community.

We drive the development of new opportunities and face challenges with creative thinking and an entrepreneurial spirit.

We are the flagship business education institution in Louisiana — a state whose ubiquitous and diverse culture continues to foster a unique business environment. We strive to apply our culture, knowledge, and expertise to support communities and industries across our home state.

We respect the full spectrum of all lived and learned experiences and the multi-faceted perspectives they offer as we work toward a more equitable and inclusive society. We prioritize the greater good and instill in our students the importance of creating shared prosperity in their communities and the world.

We commit ourselves to continuous innovation in fulfilling our mission of educating future business leaders, engaging in research that pushes the boundaries of our existing knowledge, and advancing the economic well-being in communities across Louisiana and beyond.

We are at the forefront — propelling progress and positive change. We are committed to pursuing the highest and best version of ourselves, knowing that our excellence can empower transformation in the world.


Our Commitment

We commit ourselves to relentlessly pursuing a direct, positive impact on students, research, the economy, and society. 



Two women hugging in caps and gowns at graduation ceremony.