Faculty Annual Reviews via Elements

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The Office of Academic Affairs will launch 2024 Faculty Annual Review in Elements on Monday, January 13, 2025.


The Office of Academic Affairs will launch 2024 Faculty Annual Review in Elements on Monday, January 13, 2025. We encourage faculty to begin updating their 2024 activities in Elements ahead of the launch of the assessment. To assist faculty and unit leaders in completing their annual reviews, Program Manager, Mallory Danzy will be hosting in-person trainings, virtual trainings and drop-in labs.

Information pertaining to the annual review timeline, trainings and help guides can be found on LSU’s Elements homepage. For additional questions regarding Elements and the annual review process, contact Mallory Danzy at elements@lsu.edu or 578-1519.


managing your elements profile

faculty activities in elements


Frequently asked questions

Faculty will create their activity report in Elements via the Annual Review assessment found in the MY ACTIONS box on the Elements homepage.

If you are faculty, you can access the Elements link via your My LSU account under the Instructional Support menu. For those individuals like HR analysts or assistant deans that not faculty, they can login via the Elements URL. Use your My LSU credentials to login to your Elements account.

Elements account access is tied to a faculty member’s current academic appointment. If you are unable to access Elements, it could be due to an expired appointment. Contact your department’s HR analyst for assistance with updating your academic appointment.

Yes, reference the LSU Activities in Elements list. The list is divided into the main four sections that we call activity buckets in Elements. These sections are Scholarly & Creative Works, Grants & Contracts, Service & Leadership and Teaching & Mentoring. 

There are a couple of reasons publications and creative works could be missing from your account. Settings related to your name-base search and automatic claiming page could be affecting what activities are imported from data bases into Elements. Refer to the Name-Based Search Settings guide and the Claiming or Rejecting Identifiers guide for instructions on how to update these settings.

No, you can add missing activities directly from the annual review assessment. Refer to page 9 of the Creating an Annual Activity Report guide for step-by-step instructions. 

Yes, but the Elements software will timeout so you should always click the Save or Save and exit button when filling out any portion of the assessment. If you are unable to save, it could be that the software has already timed out and you need to log back in. 

You can print your activity report via the Download button on the left-hand side of the assessment screen. All faculty should download their report and verify their activities before moving the assessment to the unit leader.

Due to the need for the self-evaluation to appear on the activity report, the self-evaluation should not be included as an attachment. 

Unfortunately, Elements is not able to send email notifications when an activity report is submitted for a review. Activity reports awaiting your review will be located in the reviewer’s MY ACTIONS box on the Elements home page with the title “Reviews to Complete”. 

Secondary unit reviews will be facilitated by the primary unit leader. The primary unit leader should download the faculty member’s activity report and provide it to the secondary unit leader for review. The secondary unit leader should then provide their written review of the faculty member via a word document or email to the primary unit leader. The primary unit leader will then copy and paste the secondary unit leader’s review in the “Secondary Unit Leader Review” section of the annual review assessment. 

Committee reviews will be facilitated by the primary unit leader. The primary unit leader should download the faculty member’s activity report and provide it to the committee for review. The committee should then provide a written review of the faculty member via a word document or email to the primary unit leader. The primary unit leader will then copy and paste the committee’s review in the “Review Committee Review” section of the annual review assessment. 


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