The LSU Faculty Senate

Our Mission

The Faculty Senate is the representative governing body of the Faculty Council. It voices policies, opinions, and sentiments of the Council on any matter within its jurisdiction, as indicated by the LSU Board of Supervisors or otherwise. The Faculty Senate may suggest action, inquiries or recommendations to the LSU President and/or the Executive Vice-President & Provost on any aspect of University life such as:

  • Academic Freedom
  • Policies and procedures affecting faculty appointments
  • Buildings, equipment and facilities
  • Students and student affairs
  • Procedures for academic administrators of LSU 
  • University's role, scope, mission, organization, budget and planning

The strength of the Senate lies in the expertise and effort of our world class faculty.

Daniel TironePresident, LSU Faculty Senate
Daniel Tirone photo

Faculty Senate Guide

For more information regarding the LSU Faculty Senate and its history and purpose, the role of the Faculty Senators, and an overview of parliamentary procedures, please refer to the Faculty Senate Guide