OIE Newsletters

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) publishes periodic newsletters regarding policies, procedures, and reporting expectations.

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Souza, J. & Rose, T. (2023). Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education, Volume II: Strategies for a Changing Higher Education Environment. London: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group. 

Rose, T. & Parsons Simpson, L. (2023). Quality Learning in Higher Education Today: Integrity of the Traditional System [Special Issue]. New Directions for Learning and Teaching. 

Rose, T. & Flateby, T. (2022). Employers of recent grads rate their skills. Inside Higher Ed. 

Flateby, T. & Rose. T. (2021). From College to Career Success: How Educators and Employers Talk about Skills. American Association of Colleges & Universities. 

Souza, J. & Rose, T. (2021). Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education: Diverse Approaches to Addressing Accreditation Standards. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.