Getting Started on Your IRB Protocol

Submitting an IRB application for review can seem overwhelming, even if you've been through the process before.  Here, you will find all of the information needed to get started on the IRB process. 

An institutional review board is a group registered with the federal government that is formally designated to review and monitor research involving human subjects. The purpose of the reviews is to protect the safety, rights, and welfare of research participants and to ensure institutional compliance with federal and state regulations and University policies. The LSU IRB is managed by the Office of Research Compliance & Integrity, which is within the Office of Research & Economic Development.

Go to the Do I Need Approval? page for more information.

After you've submitted your IRB submission, the IRB may request changes, ask questions, provide suggestions, etc. If you receive the protocol back as "Modifications Required," follow the instructions for How to Respond to IRB Request for Revisions.

LSU IRB accepts the Basic/Refresher CITI training for either Biomedical Research Investigators or Social & Behavioral Research Investigators. Click here for CITI Training instructions.  No IRB applications will be approved until certificates are obtained.

For Expedited and Exempt studies, you can expect the process to take approximately two to three weeks, depending on the need for revisions, reviewer questions, clarifications, etc. 
For studies that are referred to the full board for review, they will be discussed at the next board meeting.  Meetings are typically held on the second Friday of every other month.  Visit the IRB Meetings page for the list of upcoming dates.