Graduate Student Assistantships

Graduate Student Assistantships

Teaching or Research

We invite applications for graduate study and teaching or research assistantships for students seeking the Ph.D. in physics or astronomy, or the M.S. in Medical Physics and Health Physics. Areas of active research include theory and experiment in: condensed matter; astrophysics; particles and fields; materials science; cosmic rays; medical physics; gravity; quantum optics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Assistantship stipends begin at about $16,420 (plus tuition waiver), with two-thirds of the students getting additional support for a total of $23,925 - $25,500 per year. We encourage applications to be sent directly to the department where they will be prescreened without an application fee. Research assistantships may be available for the summer prior to the beginning of studies. Review of applications begins in early January. Information can be obtained online at Guide to Graduate Studies in Physics & Astronomy, by email request to, or by writing to:

Louisiana State University
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Admissions
202 Nicholson Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001