News Releases


LSU Researchers Awarded $1.5 Million to Advance Worldwide Access to High-Performance Computing

September 13, 2024 data center The LSU researchers’ goal is to make high-performance computing more accessible across all computational platforms to a broader range of researchers and organizations—all to accelerate scientific research to solve global challenges. LSU researchers have been awarded a $1.5 million Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems, or POSE, grant from the National Science Foundation to advance the ecosystem surrounding HPX, a software library developed at LSU. Their goal is a fast and energy-efficient solution to increase worldwide access to high-performance computing. Lack of access and performance currently limits the success and usefulness of emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, and computational modeling in almost every field.

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LSU Electrical, Computer Engineering Professor Designs Intelligent Drone for Rescue Operations

September 18, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - The National Fire Protection Association estimates that one home fire-related death occurs in the U.S. every three hours and 14 minutes, and one home fire-related injury occurs every 53 minutes. These are numbers LSU Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Xiangyu Meng hopes to change for the better through his design of an intelligent drone that will use thermal technology during rescue operations, particularly for firefighters.

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LSU, Integer Partner to Optimize U.S. Navy, Marine Corps Operations

September 9, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - A team of LSU researchers has been tasked with helping the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps make the transformation to Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO), which would allow the two military branches to move beyond traditional reliance on a few large vessels and instead emphasize a distributed network of smaller naval platforms that enhance presence and awareness in vital maritime regions.

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LSU Computer Science PhD Student Wins Pair of Best Paper Awards

September 3, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Prior to this summer, LSU Computer Science Ph.D. student Taha Gharaibeh had never won a Best Paper award, which is typically given in recognition of the quality and impact of the published work.

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LSU Engineering, LSUHSC School of Dentistry Collaboration Illustrates Benefit to Industry

August 30, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Each year, 9 million people in the U.S. get braces. Whether it's to fix a bad bite or simply gain a more attractive smile, braces have almost become a rite of passage in Western culture. In an attempt to improve the effectiveness of bonding material used in braces, LSU Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) School of Dentistry-Prosthodontics is collaborating with LSU's College of Engineering on three projects led by LSUHSC Digital Fabrication Center Director and LSU Petroleum Engineering Assistant Professor of Research Charles Taylor.

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LSU-Southern Cyber Project to Protect Nation’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Build Workforce

August 22, 2024 A collaborative team at LSU and Southern University has been awarded a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to address critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities in electric vehicle charging stations. Discovered by LSU cybersecurity expert Elias Bou-Harb and his team, these vulnerabilities pose significant risks, including the potential for hackers to access and exploit tens of thousands of EV charging stations connected to the power grid. This project not only aims to secure these systems but also to educate and train a more diverse cybersecurity workforce, leveraging the strengths of both universities.

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Lin Receives NSF CAREER Award

August 21, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Where some people see an eyesore that needs to be destroyed, LSU Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Hai "Thomas" Lin sees inspiration for the future. Lin's latest research project, funded by a nearly $630,000 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, is taking characteristics from mud dauber nests and the root systems of fungi to design 3D-printed soil for sustainable, durable, and cost-effective earthen buildings. More than three billion people around the world live in earthen buildings, which are gaining popularity in Europe, Western Australia, Canada, and California because of their eco-friendly and cost-effective credentials.

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