Research Opportunities

Select an opportunity from the list to view full details on scope, requirements, and application process. Opportunities come and go regularly, so be sure to check this page frequently.

For Faculty


The Office of Research & Economic Development provides resources to help faculty identify funding sources for their research, scholarship and creative activity. These resources are typically from internal programs, such as the Faculty Travel Grants or Faculty Research Grants program, or from external sources such as federal agencies (e.g., NSF, NIH, NEH), state agencies (Board of Regents), or philanthropic sources. 

All external proposals are to be routed through the GeauxGrants electronic Research Administration platform for fiscal and administrative review. Please submit proposal budgets and budget justifications at least 7 days prior to the submission deadline for your specific funding opportunity.


The College of Music & Dramatic Arts is pleased to announce matching grant funding for college faculty research and creative activity. Faculty may request up to $5,000 for research/creative activity during the 2024-25 academic year (August 2024 through July 2025) or for the 2025 calendar year (January through December 2025). Previously funded research is not eligible. Multiple awards are available.

A committee of college faculty will evaluate the quality of the proposal, potential impact upon the researcher’s creative agenda, plans to communicate the research (i.e., presentation, publication, recording, other relevant deliverable), and record of the researcher.

Applications submitted through this form should include:

  • An abstract of the research project
  • A proposal of two to three pages indicating how the research will be carried out (including timeline and deliverables throughout the project)
  • The name of matching funding source you are pursuing (or plan to pursue)
  • A detailed budget
  • A short curriculum vitae highlighting relevant research activities, publications, and presentations.


Professors may submit proposals for chamber groups or small groups who have been accepted to perform, following juried evaluation, at regional, national and international venues. Small groups should be “on the program” before applying for group travel funding.

Proposals may be submitted to the Associate Dean of Research via the online portal at any time during the year, but as far in advance of the travel as possible. Proposals must include the name of the event/venue, dates of travel, names of students, whether students will drive or fly (everyone in the group must take the same form of transportation), the value of the travel for the students, information about hotel accommodation, whether other funding is attached to travel and a detailed budget.

Please consider the following guidelines prior to submitting proposals:

• Ordinarily, a faculty member will only be considered for group student travel funding every other year. See rotational preference below.

• Preference will be given to untenured, tenure-track faculty. Then, faculty without professorships will be considered. Faculty with professorships are encouraged to use their professorship to assist with travel to the fullest extent possible.

• Funds awarded should be used for student travel only (faculty accompanying the students should pay for travel out of their professorship or annual Music/Theatre travel funds.

• Each student may receive only one travel grant per academic year (individual or group)

• Graduate students receiving the group travel grant must be “in residence” on campus at LSU, full time, during the year for which the travel grant is requested. Students with fulltime jobs are not eligible for small group travel grants.

• When submitting proposals, please alert us with the full name(s) of any student(s) who has/have a true need for full funding, in the event that small group travel can only be funded partially.

• It is expected that the group will drive to events within a 400 mile radius from LSU unless there are extenuating circumstances.

• A short, follow-up statement about the benefit of the travel will need to be submitted along with receipts before travel is reimbursed.

Small Group / Chamber Travel Request

Preferential Funding

(based on recent requests and funding; small groups from areas not listed here will be considered)

  • 2024-25 (Fall 2024, Spring 2025)
    Percussion, NOLA Chamber Festival, Clarinet, Trombone, Music Education
  • 2025-26 (Fall 2025, Spring & Summer 2026)
    Opera, Tuba/Euphonium, Trumpet, Horn, Theatre

For Students

The LSU Discover Undergraduate Research program supports student participation in faculty-mentored research and professional-level activities.

For students looking to become involved in undergraduate research, LSU Discover offers assistance in finding a mentor, events to learn more about undergraduate research, and opportunities to talk to research students about their experiences in any major.

For students who are currently involved in undergraduate research, LSU Discover offers funding, workshops, awards, and an annual symposium to present your work. LSU Discover is constantly growing, so keep checking back for new opportunities and programming.


The College of Music & Dramatic Arts offers a limited number of student travel grants to assist students in their creative and research activity.

Awards will be limited to a maximum of $350 for domestic travel and $600 for international travel and will be evaluated based on the merit of the proposal. Grants are available to both undergraduate and graduate students. The most competitive proposals are thorough, complete, and make a compelling case as to why the travel will advance your educational, artistic and/or scholarly goals.