News By Date

LSU marine ecologist Dan Holstein dives

Caribbean Coral Reefs Need Our Help

Marine ecologists warn of coral extinction by the end of the century.

LSU AAAS Fellows

LSU Honors AAAS Fellows

On April 27, the LSU College of the Coast & Environment, or CC&E, and the College of Science, or CoS, jointly hosted a reception to honor the LSU faculty members who have been recently elected as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).

Second Chances: LSU CC&E Combines Research with Workforce Training for Parolees

Second Chances: LSU CC&E Combines Research with Workforce Training for Parolees

The LSU College of the Coast & Environment has partnered with Blue Latitudes and the Louisiana Parole Project on a National Science Foundation, or NSF, Convergence Accelerator-funded project that will analyze the use of decommissioned petroleum platforms as artificial reefs while providing Parole Project participants with workforce training needed to succeed.

Jennifer Brum

LSU Assistant Professor Jennifer Brum Earns Simons Foundation Grant

LSU Assistant Professor Jennifer Brum is one of five in the nation who have earned this year's Simons Foundation grant for her project, "Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Award." The Simons Foundation is a national organization dedicated to advancing the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences.

Kelli Moran

LSU Student Receives NSF Grant to Study Water Management and Resiliency in the Netherlands

LSU student Kelli Moran is one of 14 in the nation to receive a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant that supports graduate student study in the Netherlands. Moran is a doctoral candidate in the College of the Coast & Environment.

John White

LSU Professor John R. White Earns 2022 National Wetlands Award

LSU Professor John R. White has been awarded the 2022 National Wetlands Award in the scientific research category. White serves as associate dean of research for the LSU College of the Coast & Environment (CC&E) and is the fifth member of the college to do so. Bestowed annually to a single individual by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), this prestigious award recognizes a scientist who has demonstrated exceptional effort, innovation, and excellence in wetlands conservation and who is dedicated to educating students and stakeholders about the value of wetlands.

Two LSU CC&E Projects Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant’s 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

Two LSU CC&E Projects Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant’s 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

This spring, two undergraduate students who are working with advisors in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment have been selected to participate in Louisiana Sea Grant’s 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), which provides talented undergraduate students interested in pursuing advanced studies in coastal-related disciplines with hands-on research experience.

LSU Leads

LSU Leads "Delta Force"

When the U.S. Army needed to understand how climate change will affect the so-called "critical zone"--the thin land surface layer comprised of vegetation, soils, and sediments--to improve their own planning and secure people, equipment, and infrastructure, they turned to LSU.

Robert Hiatt

Matt Hiatt Becomes Third LSU Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Professor to Receive NSF CAREER Award

Matt Hiatt, assistant professor in the LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences (DOCS), has received a five-year National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (NSF CAREER) award for his coastal hydrological research--the third professor in the history of the College of the Coast & Environment (CC&E) to receive it.

LSU Recognizes Six Outstanding Professors as 'Rainmakers'

LSU Recognizes Six Outstanding Professors as 'Rainmakers'

The LSU Office of Research & Economic Development has selected six LSU faculty members to receive the Rainmaker Award this year, including College of the Coast & Environment Professor Robert Twilley. The LSU Rainmaker Award is one of the highest honors LSU bestows on its faculty.

Robert Twilley

LSU CC&E Professor Named a 2022 LSU Rainmaker

LSU College of the Coast & Environment Professor Robert Twilley is a 2022 recipient of the LSU Rainmaker Award in the Senior Scholar-STEM category, one of the highest honors LSU bestows on its faculty. He is the third CC&E faculty member to receive a Rainmaker Award.

Claire Sullivan and Ria Salway

Two CC&E-mentored Students Awarded Coypu Grant

Claire Sullivan and Ria Salway received a $5,000 grant from the Coypu Foundation to make a documentary about the people fighting to protect fenceline communities in Cancer Alley. Sullivan is double majoring in coastal environmental science and political communication and Salway is majoring in biological sciences.


Four CC&E Research Projects Receive Spring Discover Grants

For nearly a century the LSU College of the Coast & Environment has been at the forefront of coastal and environmental research and education in Louisiana and around the world. This work continues via research performed by the students and mentors in our programs and in partnership with other programs across campus. Here is a snapshot of all the CC&E research funded by Spring 2022 LSU Discover grants.

DeepDrug Team

New COVID-19 Treatment Developed By Skymount Medical in Partnership with LSU Approved for Use in Patients in the United Kingdom

Skymount Medical, a drug discovery company using an artificial intelligence, or AI, platform developed by LSU researchers to repurpose and build new drugs, announced today that it has received approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, or MHRA, to conduct a human clinical trial of its new oral therapeutic for COVID-19 patients.

New Orleans

Purple, GREEN, and Gold: One LSU Alum's Pursuit of an Eco-Friendly Mardi Gras

LSU College of the Coast & Environment alumnus Kevin Fitzwilliam is relentless in the pursuit of a "greener" Mardi Gras. While Fat Tuesday has always been associated with excess--and excess trash--this environmental sciences graduate has built a business around eliminating plastic waste from this time-honored celebration and lifting Ugandan women out of poverty in the process.


LSU CC&E Celebrates World Wetlands Day

February 2, 2022 marks the first year that World Wetlands Day is being observed as a United Nations international day. This day also provides an opportunity to reflect on the critical role of wetlands in supporting livelihoods; offering recreation; providing essential habitat for birds, waterfowl, and aquatic life; and serving as a front-line buffer to the destructive impacts from storms.

Paul Miller

LSU CC&E Professor Named NASEM Early-Career Research Fellow

Paul Miller, assistant professor in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment (CC&E), has been selected for the Early Career Research Fellowship (ECRF), funded by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine's Gulf Research Program.

Kam Biu Liu

LSU Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Chair Selected as 2022 AAG Fellow

The American Association of Geographers (AAG) has selected Kam-biu Liu as one of 13 of their 2022 Fellows. He is one of two faculty in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment who have earned this national honor (including his wife, Nina Lam, Professor & Abraham Distinguished Professor of Louisiana Environmental Studies in the Department of Environmental Sciences), which recognizes scholars who have made significant contributions to advancing geography. Liu is the George W. Barineau III Professor and Chair of the LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences and a highly awarded expert in the field of paleoenvironmental change, or climate change that happened in the distant past.


Under a Moon Spell: Shark Attacks Related to Lunar Phases

New research from LSU and the University of Florida suggests that more shark attacks occur during fuller phases of the moon. While the exact cause remains unclear, the researchers found that more shark attacks than average occur during periods of higher lunar illumination and fewer attacks than average occur during periods of lower illumination.

CC&E Congratulates the Fall Class of 2021!

CC&E Congratulates the Fall Class of 2021!

On December 17, the LSU College of the Coast & Environment awarded degrees to 23 graduates of the fall class of 2021.

CC&E Superstar April Ellis

CC&E Superstar April Ellis

Dean Chris D'Elia and LSU alumna April Ellis discuss her time at LSU's College of the Coast & Environment and how it shaped where she is today.

Student in Boatyard

Internships: More Than a Summer Job

Students in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment have received internships at major organizations like GeoCorps (TM) America, Geological Society of America, LUMCON, Louisiana Sea Grant, NOAA, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and more. Our college offers many excellent resources for current students (and alumni!) to access during their job search. Learn more about the internships and jobs available.

Coast & Environment Grants and Contracts Manager Earns LSU Staff Stripes Award

Coast & Environment Grants and Contracts Manager Earns LSU Staff Stripes Award

Congratulation to Melanie Spinks who received a Staff Stripes Award from LSU Staff Senate this October! Spinks is a grants and contracts manager for the LSU College of the Coast & Environment, or CC&E, and the second CC&E employee to earn one this year. She was nominated by John White, CC&E's associate dean of research, and Matt Hiatt, assistant professor in the Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences.

Crystal Johnson in kayak.

Space Shuckin': Making Oysters Safer to Eat, With Help from NASA

Crystal Johnson, associate professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment, knows a bacterium doesn't care where it gets its food--whether the ocean, an oyster, or the human mouth. She studies how microbes respond to their environment, including vibrios, which play an important role in nature's clean-up system. They break down organic matter in all aquatic environments--lakes, rivers, marches, and the sea--help recycle carbon, and degrade waste. Vibrios are everywhere.

In Memoriam: William

In Memoriam: William "Bill" Joseph Gibson

The LSU College of the Coast & Environment mourns and honors the memory of the late Bill Gibson who passed away in September 2021.