Student Accolades

Read about our Center accolades.

Trevor Thrasher Awarded Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding SI Leader

May 27, 2022

Trevor Thrasher, LSU chemical engineering senior, received the Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding SI Leader award in recognition of his leadership and service to the Supplemental Instruction program.

Thrasher dedicated six semesters to the SI program. SI is a series of weekly study sessions led by a student who has previously excelled in the course. As an SI Leader, he works with faculty to reinforce course material and help students practice new skills, apply course-related content and interact with classmates. Thrasher also serves as an SI Mentor, helping new SI Leaders transition into their role.

Read full press release here. 

Rohin Gilman Awarded Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding SI Leader

May 23, 2022

Rohin Gilman, LSU computer science and mathematics senior, received the Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding SI Leader award in recognition of his leadership and service to the Supplemental Instruction program.

Gilman dedicated eight semesters to the SI program. SI is a series of weekly study sessions led by a student who has previously excelled in the course. As an SI Leader, he worked with faculty to reinforce course material and help students practice new skills, apply course-related content and interact with classmates. Gilman works as an observation leader, helping new SI Leaders transition into their role.

Read full press release here. 

Kristyn Brewer Ranked Top Five for International Supplemental Instruction Award

May 21, 2022

Kristyn Brewer, LSU accounting junior from Houston, Texas, ranked top five internationally for the International Center for Supplemental Instruction’s 2021 Outstanding New SI Leader award.

Outstanding New SI Leader is awarded to someone who worked as an SI Leader for less than one academic year and demonstrates significant personal and professional growth.

SI is a series of weekly study sessions led by a student who has previously excelled in the course. As an SI Leader, Brewer works with faculty to reinforce course material and help students practice new skills, apply course-related content and interact with classmates. She also serves as an SI Mentor, helping new SI Leaders transition into their role.

Read full press release here.

Abby LeBlanc Ranked Top Five for International Supplemental Instruction Award

May 20, 2022

Abby LeBlanc, LSU biological sciences senior from Hammond, Louisiana, ranked top five internationally for the International Center for Supplemental Instruction’s 2021 Exceptional Veteran SI Leader or Mentor award.

Exceptional Veteran SI Leader or Mentor is awarded to an individual who has been with their university’s SI program for more than one academic year and made a significant contribution to the overall program through leadership and mentorship.

LeBlanc dedicated six semesters to the SI program. SI is a series of weekly study sessions led by a student who has previously excelled in the course. As an SI Leader, LeBlanc worked with faculty to reinforce course material and helped students practice new skills, apply course-related content and interact with classmates. She currently works as an observation leader, helping new SI Leaders transition into their role.

Read full press release here.

Tyler Ward Awarded LSU CAS Outstanding Tutor

May 9, 2022

Tyler Ward Photo

The LSU Center for Academic Success awarded Tyler Ward, from Prairieville, Louisiana, the 2022 Outstanding Tutor Award in recognition of his service and commitment to the tutor program. Ward is studying biology and psychology and in his fifth semester tutoring algebra, trigonometry, statistics, chemistry and biology at the CAS Shell Tutorial Center. 


“I am just tremendously blessed,” Ward said. “I don’t tutor for awards or even for money, and I’m glad the students have this opportunity for free. A huge part of what we do is relationship building and trust building. If they trust and understand what you’re saying, that makes the tutoring process so much easier.”


Read full press release here.

CAS Observation Leader Trendell Shorty Announced as Rucks Fellow

October 18, 2019

Trendell ShortyLSU Center for Academic Success (CAS) Supplemental Instruction (SI) Observation Leader Trendell Shorty has been selected to become a Rucks Fellow. Along with nine other senior management majors in the E.J. Ourso College of Business, Shorty was selected by faculty members as one of the 2019-2020 inductees into the Society of Rucks Fellows.

The Rucks Fellows Program is sponsored by a generous gift from William W. and Catherine M. Rucks. Ten students who represent the highest level of academic achievement among senior management majors are selected by faculty each year to enrich their development as future business leaders.


Read full press release here.


LSU CAS Supplemental Instruction Leaders Named Student Employees of the Year

April 24, 2019

plunkett LSU CAS Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders Kristina Plunkett from New Orleans, La. and Macy Allen of Gonzales, La. were named LSU Student Employees of the Year by LSU Financial Aid & Scholarships in the Office of Enrollment Management. LSU Student Employee of the Year is awarded annually to student workers across all disciplines. Each unit or department is encouraged to nominate excellent student workers who have made a significant impact in their role and show strong work ethic. The nominees are then judged based off their reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism and the uniqueness of the student's contribution to the employer.

Plunkett works as an Observation Leader for the CAS Supplemental Instruction (SI) program where she observes peer-led study sessions led by fellow SI student leaders and provides feedback on ways they can improve their sessions in order to help students achieve their academic course goals. Read full press release here

Drew Knight Awarded LSU CAS Outstanding Tutor

January 29, 2019

Drew Knight outstanding tutorLSU Petroleum Engineering senior, Drew Knight, a native of Houston, Texas, is the 2018-2019 recipient of the LSU CAS Outstanding Tutor Award in recognition of his service and commitment to the CAS tutoring program.
Knight is responsible for tutoring several different subjects in the Shell Tutorial Center including introductory physics, calculus, civil engineering and German. After graduation he hopes to be employed as a petroleum or process engineer.
Bahareh Kokabian, Ph.D., LSU CAS Tutorial Coordinator, said, “Drew is always willing to help students and shows passion and dedication for helping others succeed. Overall, he’s a model for our students and staff with his positive attitude and tutoring skill set.” Read full press release here

Kelsey Olson Awarded LSU CAS Outstanding Supplemental Instructor

January 29, 2019

Kelsey Olson with awardLSU Biological Sciences senior, Kelsey Olson, a native of Plymouth, Massachusetts is the 2018-2019 recipient of the Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding Supplemental Instructor (SI) Leader Award in recognition of her service and commitment to the SI program.

Olson leads SI sessions for BIOL 4087 where she introduces students to biochemistry processes. She has been a SI Leader for the last four semesters at LSU.

Elizabeth Taylor, LSU CAS Supplemental Instructor Coordinator, said “Kelsey has shown exemplary leadership during her time as a SI Leader and as a peer mentor to other SI Leaders. Her support for other leaders, professionalism in the office, passion for learning and willingness to help others makes her a natural leader amongst her peers. Kelsey has also shown proficiency in communicating with students from diverse backgrounds and does a great job assisting students in becoming lifelong learners and scholars.” Read full press release here

CAS SI Leader Ryder Rule Announced as a Rucks Fellow

October 1, 2018

Ryder RuleLSU Center for Academic Success (CAS) Supplemental Instruction (SI) leader Ryder Rule has been selected to become a Rucks Fellow. Along with nine other senior management majors majors in the E.J. Ourso College of Business, Rule was selected by faculty members as one of the 2018-2019 inductees into the Society of Rucks Fellows.

The Rucks Fellows Program is sponsored by a generous gift from William W. and Catherine M. Rucks. Ten students who represent the highest level of academic achievement among senior management majors are selected by faculty each year to enrich their development as future business leaders.

 The students selected receive exclusive opportunities, including having the right to identify themselves as Rucks Fellows. These students are also allowed the opportunity to interact with faculty and business leaders at special events, preferential enrollment in management courses and receive recognition during graduation. Read full press release here.

Omar Kana Awarded Most Improved Supplemental Instruction Leader, Hayden Hawkins and Malcolm Youngblood Awarded Outstanding New Supplemental Instruction Leaders

April 2018

The LSU Center for Academic Success (CAS) awarded biochemistry senior, SI Award WinnersOmar Kana as this year’s Most Improved Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader [DL1] and Hayden Hawkins and Malcolm Youngblood as the Outstanding New SI Leaders.

Kana currently leads SI sessions for Physics and has been a SI leader for the past two years. This
past year he approached his sessions differently noting advice from his mentors and more experienced SI leaders. Additionally, Kana incorporated learning techniques from the book Making It Stick.

"We are very proud of all three leaders. Each has made a mark in their own way. Omar has a done a great job of incorporating feedback and building on his experience. Hayden and Malcolm performed so well that they made the decision for New SI very difficult. So, we figured why fight it? Just pick both," said Assistant Director Matthew Mattox. Read full press release.

 Anna Sightler Awarded LSU CAS Outstanding Supplemental Instructor

 April 2018

2018 Outstanding SI LeaderLSU Accounting Senior, Anna Sightler, from Franklinton, La, is the 2017-2018 recipient of the Saundra Yancy McGuire Outstanding Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader award in recognition of her service and commitment to the SI program.

Sightler leads SI sessions for Accounting 2001, where business students are introduced to financial accounting. She has been a SI leader for the last five consecutive semesters at LSU. 

Susan Saale, LSU CAS Associate Director commented on Sightler saying, “Under Anna’s leadership the Accounting SI program has grown significantly. We have been very fortunate to have such a dedicated person in the position in its initial stages.” Read Anna's full press release.


David Phan Named LSU CAS Outstanding Tutor

March 2018

David PhanLSU Junior, David Phan, is the 2017-2018 recipient of the D.D. and Fran Smith Outstanding Tutor Award for his level of service in the LSU CAS Shell Tutorial Center. 

As a chemical engineering major, Phan tutors students in various levels of math, physics, chemistry and engineering courses. This semester will be his third working as a CAS tutor.  

Phan said, “I enjoy tutoring because I am able to offer my knowledge to show my tutees how to conceptualize complex problems, which allows them to have a strong foundation to tackle harder problems.”

Read David's full press release.





Main Office
B-31 Coates
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Shell Tutorial Center
141B LSU Library

Fall & Spring Hours:
M-Th: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
F: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m.- 5 p.m.

Summer Hours:
M-F: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.


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